What Is the Biweekly Money Saving Challenge

Jul 29, 2023 By Susan Kelly

Do you want to start saving but don’t know where to begin? Have you heard of the biweekly money-saving challenge and were unsure if it was right for you? Well, look no further! We have compiled all the details and insights into this growing trend among money savers.

The biweekly money-saving challenge is a great way to take control of your finances and work towards having a healthy savings balance that can help you through at least six months in case of any emergency or unforeseen circumstances. This blog post will discuss the challenge, why it works so well, and how anyone can get started with their bi-weekly journey!

Introducing the Biweekly Money Saving Challenge

The biweekly money-saving challenge is a great way to take control of your finances and create an emergency fund. It's a simple concept that takes advantage of the fact that most people are paid bi-weekly. Over time, you can quickly build up a sizeable amount by saving just half of each paycheck.

The challenge works by saving half of each paycheck, so you’ll need to figure out how much that will be and set aside as soon as it comes into your bank account. You should also make sure to transfer the funds from your checking account to your savings account at least once per month, or better yet, after every paycheck if possible. This will ensure that no matter what happens, the money will be in a safe and secure place you can access whenever necessary.

Great Biweekly Money-Saving Challenges

1. Create a Budget

Create a budget that works for you and includes both expenditures and savings.

2. Monitor Spending

Track your spending carefully to ensure you are sticking to your budget.

3. Automate Savings

Set up automatic transfers to ensure that money is saved each paycheck without any effort on your part.

4. Keep Goals in Sight

Write down short-term goals, like getting out of debt, so that you can keep them on your mind when making decisions about using the extra money saved with this challenge.

5. Consider Smaller Goals

With larger long-term goals, consider smaller wins to help stay motivated and focused throughout the challenge.

6. Utilize Technology

Take advantage of the wide variety of financial apps to help you track your progress and stay motivated.

7. Create a Back-Up Plan

Plan where else that money can come from in an emergency if needed.

8. Re-Evaluate Regularly:

Make sure to review your budget regularly to make sure that it is still working for you, and adjust as needed.

9. Celebrate Your Wins

When goals are achieved, or milestones passed, celebrate! Rewards can be small treats or celebrations that motivate you throughout the challenge.

10. Seek Help When Needed

If you struggle, do not hesitate to ask a financial professional for help if needed.

Tracking Your Weekly Saving Goals

Tracking your weekly savings goals is an important part of the biweekly money-saving challenge. Keeping track of how much you have saved and where that money is going will help you stay on top of your progress and keep your motivation high.

Various methods can be used to track saving progress; a simple spreadsheet or notebook is possible for those who prefer paper tracking. Alternatively, financial apps can also be used to automate tracking and make it easier to monitor spending in real time.

Regardless of the chosen tracking method, it’s important to ensure that all expenses and savings are properly tracked each month for the challenge to remain effective.

How Much Should You Save with This Challenge

The amount one should save with the biweekly money-saving challenge depends on individual circumstances, but the general rule is to aim for at least 10% of your income. This could be achieved by saving half each paycheck and using the other half for expenses.

It can also help you commit to additional savings goals through an automatic transfer from your checking account into a savings account, so you don’t have to think about it. Setting aside additional funds in this way can add up over time and provide a great safety net in an emergency.

For those looking to make a bigger impact quickly, options like the 52-week money challenge require a larger commitment but can be more effective for those who want to save a larger amount in a shorter period.

Advantages of the Biweekly Money Saving Challenge

1. It can help you save money quickly over a shorter period.

2. It is easy to follow and doesn’t require much effort.

3. Automating 110 utilizes the same payment system to commit to other savings goals.

5. If stored separately from your checking account, You are less likely to spend your saved funds.

6. The biweekly challenge helps with planning and budgeting by splitting the amount into smaller chunks that can be tracked more easily.

7. Having some extra cash in the bank can provide peace of mind knowing that there is money set aside in case of a financial emergency.

8. The challenge can help you reach larger financial goals more quickly.

9. It encourages discipline and mindful spending habits.

10. Most importantly, it helps you create a healthy savings balance that can be used to fund future dreams or investments!

Tips for Sticking to Your Savings Goals

  • Automate your savings – Set up automatic transfers to eliminate the need for manual effort and ensure that funds are saved with every paycheck.
  • Review your budget regularly – Make sure you are sticking to it, and adjust as needed if it is not working for you anymore.
  • Track progress – Use financial apps or a simple spreadsheet to easily track your progress.
  • Celebrate wins – Rewards can help keep motivation throughout the challenge, so acknowledge achievements along the way!
  • Create emergency plans - Plan where else money can come from should you ever encounter an unexpected expense during this challenge or any other time.


Q: How does the challenge work?

A: The strategy behind the biweekly money-saving challenge is very straightforward - all you need to do is set aside a fixed amount each payday and gradually build up your savings balance throughout the year. You can put this money into a separate bank account or keep it in your regular savings account, whichever works best for you.

Q: Who should use the biweekly money-saving challenge?

A: Anyone! Whether you’re just starting with saving or have been doing it for a while, this system can be tailored to fit your needs. It is also great for those who don’t want to commit to larger monthly payments but still want to reach their savings goals quickly and efficiently.

Q: How much should I save using the biweekly money-saving challenge?

A: This depends entirely on your financial situation and goals - you can start by setting aside a small amount of money each payday (for example, $20) and gradually increasing it as your earnings increase or if you find yourself comfortable with saving more. The key is to be consistent and realistic with what you can commit to each week.


The biweekly money-saving challenge is a great way to quickly and easily build up your savings balance. By committing to a certain amount each payday, you can slowly increase your funds until they reach the point where you feel comfortable and in control of your finances. With some discipline, dedication, and tracking progress, anyone can complete this challenge and reap the rewards of having an emergency fund set aside! So why not give it a try?

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